krystalix in the press !

Issue of November 28, 2023

Krystalix dans la presse

"Krystalix: the future crystal factory for the microelectronics industry [...] Winner of the i-Lab 2023 competition, the Saint-Martin-d'Hères-based start-up plans to build a production plant by 2028...". The weekly magazine "L'Essor" did us the honour of inviting us to appear in its columns...

The future crystal factory for the microelectronics industry

Based at the CNRS's Sciences et ingénierie des matériaux et procédés (Simap) laboratory in Saint-Martin-d'Hères, the Krystalix team is led by Kader Zaidat and Christian Garnier, two specialists in materials development. It is also supported by Professor Said Obbade, engineer Ghatfan Hasan and Mahmoud Al Radi, the future production manager. By 2026, the team should have grown to 15 people and, by 2028, a production plant should be up and running.

The future start-up, which will be created after 18 months of maturation/incubation within the Linksium Satt, specialises in crystals. In particular, single crystals used in high added-value activities such as microelectronics, lasers, detectors...

Read the full article on the L'Essor website...